Reading Motorcycle Club


One Party You Don't Want To Miss...







Home Page                                   

Reading Motorcycle Club, Inc.
208 Jefferson Street
P.O. Box 396
Oley, PA 19547

Phone: (610) 987-6422
Email Contacts

Club Events

111th Anniversary Party

1914 ~ 2025


WHEN:  July 24th, 25th & 26th
WHERE: Reading Motorcycle Club Grounds in Oley, PA

How much does it cost? $50 per person includes admission to the event, beer, camping and all of the entertainment for the entire weekend. A Saturday only pass is available for $30 after 8am Saturday morning. The hours of operation for the beer wagon is as follows: Thursday - noon until 2am, Friday - 7am until 2am and Saturday - 7am until 2am Sunday.

You must be 21 to attend the event. ID is required -- NO EXCEPTIONS!!

No Club Colors, No Attitudes, No Fireworks, No Exceptions!!!

Anniversary Bash Special Information! There have been some changes from the way things were done in the past. NO ONE under 21 will be admitted to the bash. Under age wristbands will not be sold. If you're under 30 you will be carded so bring picture ID. No exceptions!! 

General Information - Animals are allowed but you will pay the full ticket price for your pet. You are also responsible for cleaning up after your pet. Use of ATV’s and golf carts will be allowed but you will have to pay a fee $10 to use them, NO UTV's. Also, this is a motorcycle event so bring your bike. Cars and trucks are not permitted to ride around during the event. Thursday morning at 10am all cars and trucks will have to leave the grounds. The front gate will only let bikes pass until Sunday morning.

Rope off night -  Starting at 5pm on Saturday July 19th, the general public is allowed to be around the pavilion area. At 7pm you will be allowed on the grounds to rope off your camping spot during daylight hours. No cars or trucks will be allowed on club property for rope off. You must park them at the Oley Fairgrounds and take the shuttle to the club. So you'll be able to see exactly how much area you need for camping so please don't overdue it. There will be a band playing from 7-11pm, and beer will be available for purchase. Bring wooden stakes (no Rebar), rope, caution tape and hammer to claim your spot for the weekend. Once you claim your spot vehicles will be allowed on the property after midnight, not before if you want to setup your spot.

Bands Playing at the Bash

Thursday 7/24
5pm to 8pm  - HAMBONE
9pm to Midnight - SOCIAL CALL
Midnight - Frozen T-Shirt Contest

Friday 7/25
5pm to 8pm  - DEAD LEVEL
9pm to Midnight - SOUL CIRCUS COWBOYS
Midnight - Beauty Pageant

Saturday 7/26
1pm to 4pm - KEN PIERSON DUO
5pm to 8pm  - EAR CANDY
9pm to Midnight - FISH OUT OF WATER

Midnight - Beauty Pageant

Event Parking - Parking will be available at the Oley Fairgrounds for $12 for the entire weekend. You can come and go as you need to and there will be free shuttle buses to take you to the event and back to the parking area. Parking cars and trucks in your camping area is NOT ALLOWED.

Other Attractions - Field Meet, Bike Show, Tattoo Show, Various Biker Games also Parts, Clothing and Food Vendors.

Can I reserve a campsite? Yes, but you have to come to rope off night after 5pm and rope off your spot. See rope off night information listed above.

Is food included in the admission price? No, but there's plenty of food vendors on site serving up a large variety of tasty grub.

What if I have a mechanical problem with my bike? Sorry, we don't have any repair facilities at the club itself. However there's a good bunch of people at The Tent who are always willing to assist any way they can. They're located at the church out on route 73 about a mile from the club. In addition to offering mechanical assistance, they also have a few of their own events you may want to check out.

Club News

Club History



Drag Racing

Event Photo's

Frosted Nuts

Club Officers



Flyers & Ride Scans

Our Fallen Brothers

The Biker Church

For Sale